Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon
first needed to backup my Linux Mint 14 files for a final time. Having hardware probs with my dedicated file server, so decided to create a new one as a VM on my ProxMox server I setup several months ago. It has 3Gig of Raid protected storage on high quality NAS/SAN drives, so it's perfect really and has been underutilized with VMs to serve Minecraft (mineOS), WinXP for running tax software, and a few other test OS's.
- Setup FreeNAS server as ProxMox VM
- gotchas: change Processor type from default to qemu64; add at least 4 Gig RAM (I flexible on demand up to 8 Gig); remember it needs at least 2 virtual drives, 1 for file system and another for storage
- Proxmox:
- FreeNAS:
- Configure FreeNAS
- guide:
- setup as recommended in quick start guide, then setup an NFS share and configure the following services, I intend to use: FTP, NFS, Rsync, SSH
- Copy my entire Home directory to the FreeNAS server with the following command:
- rsync -az --progress /home/[user] [user]@[ip of server]:/mnt/ChenStorage2/[user]/[user]bak20141028
- this created and populated a directory named '[user]' inside the [user]bak folder
- -a did several things including selecting all files and sub-folders plus maintaining file permissions, timestamps and owners
- this took all night, then verify my files were transferred, but I'll be using a new drive and keeping this one around a while just in case as well
- rsync command help/info:
Get the install image, burn to DVD, put the new drive in the computer and complete the install process.
- Grab the Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon 64 bit image from here:
- burn to DVD, install fresh hard drive (preference, not required of course), complete install steps
Restore Files
Return the files I know I want to my computer. I don't want to dump the complete home directory since desktop settings and many other files not needed reside there, so I'll restore in parts as shown below.
Return the files I know I want to my computer. I don't want to dump the complete home directory since desktop settings and many other files not needed reside there, so I'll restore in parts as shown below.
- rsync -az --progress [user]@[serverIP]:/mnt/ChenStorage2/[user]/[user]bak20141028/[user]/Documents/ /home/[user]/Documents/
- Documents folder already exists of course, so put slash (/) after folder
- rsync -avzhP [user]@[serverIP]:/mnt/ChenStorage2/[user]/[user]bak20141028/[user]/Music-Inbox /home/[user]/Music-Inbox
- rsync -avzh --progress [user]@[serverIP]:/mnt/ChenStorage2/[user]/[user]bak20141028/[user]/Music/ /home/[user]/Music/
- rsync -avzh --progress [user]@[serverIP]:/mnt/ChenStorage2/[user]/[user]bak20141028/[user]/Video/ /home/[user]/Video/
Drivers and Updates
Whenever I suggest adding a package via terminal, one could use either of the graphical tools 'Software Manager' or 'Synaptic package manager' instead.
- Instal the nVidia Graphics card proprietary driver (Administration/Driver Manager)
- Install all updates via update manager including those listed as higher risk
- Get my printers working
- Epson WF 3520 Printer driver
- download driver from here
- double click the .deb file to install
- now add printer via Printers
- HP Deskjet 722c printer which is connected to a d-link network lpt device
- Install the following packages to get proprietary multimedia working (via software manager, terminal, or synaptic package manager)
- in terminal run the following
- sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
- sudo apt-get install libdvdread4
- Enable DVD reading (enable patented components) so you can play Movie DVDs
- in terminal run the following
- sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/
- set Gmail as default mail application so 'mailto:' web links work properly
- Install the following package via terminal as follows
- sudo apt-get install gnome-gmail
- run gnome-gmail to setup your gmail account
- get Amazon instant Video and Hulu Working:
- Add add the following PPA and install hal via the following commands in terminal
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mjblenner/ppa-hal
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install hal
- Oracle Java Packages
- Not needed at this time - previously I had needed Oracle Java for ProxMox VM server functionality, however, at this point OpenJDK IcedTea 2.5.3 seems to be performing all the required ProxMox functions.
- Google Drive via Grive Tools
- Add the following PPA and install using the following commands in terminal
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thefanclub/grive-tools
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install grive-tools
- From the Menu, run Grive Setup
User Tweaks
Further tweaks to help things run to my liking
- Guake start automatically: (first install)
- in Startup Applications Preferences
- click add, select the program /usr/bin/guake
- the program path above was found using command: which guake
- Date format: change the lower right panel date format to the following %b %e - %I:%M %p to make it more informative and readable
- Terminate unresponsive programs via xkill using ctrl+alt+x
- open Preferences/Keyboard
- add 'custom keyboard shortcut' via button in 'keyboard shortcuts' tab
- enter xkill in both name and command boxes, then click Add
- assign shortcut key by selecting xkill, then clicking an unassigned keyboard binding, press key combination ctrl+alt+x when prompted
- Re-start without rebooting (if frozen) -- functionality built in, just a reminder
- ctrl+alt+delete -- might work, brings you to a menu to logout
- ctrl+alt+backspace -- brings you back to login screen (ends windows session)
Install the following Programs
Further references:
still implementing some tweaks using prior upgrade as a guide:
- Accessories
- grsync - another backup manager, front end for rsync, can connect to network drives
- Guake - drop down terminal, my favorite!
- Keepassx - password manager
- LuckyBackup - rsync front end, backup manager
- Shutter - screen capture with advanced features
- Games
- Steam-launcher Steam Games Launcher
- Graphics
- Darktable - virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers
- Hugin - panorama photo stitching program
- Phatch - batch photo processor
- Photoprint - Better print quality for printing photos!
- rapid-photo-downloader - allows pulling and renaming of photos and videos from cameras with a single click
- Pre-installed
- Gimp
- gThumb
- ImageViewer
- SimpleScan
- Internet
- Chrome - Google Chrome web browser
- Etherape - graphical network monitor
- Filezilla - full featured graphical ftp/ftps/ssh client
- Gnome-gmail - to direct mailto: links to gmail
- pre-installed
- Firefox
- Hexchat
- Pidgin
- Thunderbird Mail
- Transmission
- Office
- Pre-installed
- LibreOffice Suite
- Sound and Video
- avidemux - free video editor
- gtk-recordmydesktop - screencast tool
- K3b - CD/DVD burning application
- pre-installed
- Banshee
- Brasero
- Videos
- VLC Media Player
- Administration
- hardinfo - System Information - shows detailed info on hardware
Further program specific tweaks to help things run to my liking.
- K3b - add capability to convert mp3 to audio for burning audio disks
- sudo apt-get install libk3b6-extracodecs
- Rapid Photo Downloader
- setup desired file renaming and folders where photos and videos should go
- PhotoPrint - printer setup for Epson WF-3520
- Output tab
- Print Queue: WF-3520-Series
- Printer Model: Epson Epson WorkForce 645 (there is no WF-3520 listed, but this uses same ink)\
- General
- Print Quality: Photo
- Media Type: Photo Quyality Inkjet Paper
- Colour(Basic)
- Brightness: 1.30
- Saturation: 0.80
- Image Type: Photograph
- install firmware package that may or may not be used by computer
- sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree
Further references:
A windows display can show you the contents in your monitor. Some of us are very interested in playing games, making graphics contents, watching movies, and many more.
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