Main Page -
- Filesystem, etc
- in terminal [./] to show paths for server
- Tutorials
- Server Commands (can use some in web interface, others from console or in play)
- - to use from console, first need to enter screen with [screen -r]
Community Page --
- Feature Requests
- Bugs and Support
- Other Garbage
Bug tracker --
- has helpful hints and user error resolutions as well
Bukkit --
current problems & fix:
Minecraft Forum - server (general)
View Screens - for troubleshooting, etc
- from terminal window
- [cd]
- [./]
- then select screen corresponding to server and press enter
- (not sure how to exit screen without killing server)
- need to add a firewall rule if run a world on port other than 25565
- VI help
Saving files - permanence of temporary files
- Files listed in /opt/.filetool.lst must have the following command run to persist past reboot
- [sudo -b] this permanently saves file - past reboot
- firewall setting, uservars, etc. This is because these OS and files run from memory. Exception are files running from hard drive like /mnt/sda1/...
- to change list [sudo nano /opt/.filetool.lst]
To change how much RAM a world will use requires editing of the /usr/games/minecraft/uservars file.
Adjust the DEFAULT_MEM=1024
to match the desired amount of memory in MB.
Save changes with 'sudo -b'
Stop and restart any running worlds.
Adjust the DEFAULT_MEM=1024
to match the desired amount of memory in MB.
Save changes with 'sudo -b'
Stop and restart any running worlds.
Automatic Backup
- [sudo crontab -u tc -e] enters crontab as user tc in edit mode
- [i] to enter insert mode
- [0 4 * * * cd /usr/games/minecraft: python /usr/games/minecraft/ backup three] performs the listed commands according to the schedule
- 0 minute, of every 4th hour, every(*) day, every month, every day of week
- [esc] escape key to enter command
- [:wq] then enter for write and quit
- [crontab -l] list crontabs
- [sudo -b] this commits the file to permanent storage
Backup - revisited
- Cronjobs were not running so needed to change directory for cron start command
- [sudo nano /opt/]
- change cron start line to the following
- "/etc/init.d/services/crond start"
- save and exit
- [sudo -b] ommand to commit changes to permanent
- reboot [sudo /home/tc/]
Date - change to correct
- [date] showed incorrect time zone so to change to proper
- [sudo nano /mnt/hda1/boot/grub/menu.lst]
- add the following to the kernel line
- "tz=EST4EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0"
- save and exit
- reboot [sudo /home/tc/]