Thursday, June 4, 2009

Installar iTalc para Trisquel 2.1

Installar iTalc para Trisquel 2.1

Grupos y Usarios:
En este configuracion estoy utilizando los grupos y usarios siguiente
shared - grupo para todo usarios (puede utilizar users)
maestro - grupo para maestros de italc
honudras - mi usario de administracion

Creer Nuevos Grupos:
Systema/Administracion/Usarios y Grupos
Desbloquier y Gestionar Grupos
Creer la grupo "maestro" y seleccionar los usarios que quiere tener accesso a controlar iTalc
Creer la grupo "shared" y seleccionar todos los usarios

Actualizar Italc:
Para actualizar Italc, necessita entrar Systema/Aministracion/Gestor de paquetes Synaptic. Abrir configuracion/repositorios y selecionar la distribucion "robur-backports". Click aceptar y recargar la lista de paquetes. Buscar la paquete iTalc y marcar iTalc-client para actualizar (iTalc-master si es computadora para maestro). Aplicar. Este instala version en ves de 1.0.7. Cuando termina, entrar repositorios otra ves y deselecionar la distribucion "robur-backports" duespues recargar.

Creer Claves:
para crear clavea en la computadora del profesor ejecute el siguiente comando
sudo ica -role teacher -createkeypair
Después de ejecutar este comando, usted tendrá un par de claves en la carpeta /etc/italc/keys
sudo chgrp -R honduras:shared /etc/italc/keys
Este dar access a todo los claves al administrador.
sudo chgrp -R honduras:maestro /etc/italc/keys/private
Cuando honduras es el nombre de administrador y maestro es el grupo del profesores. Esto le da al profesor el acceso a la clave privada.
sudo chmod -R o-rwx /etc/italc/keys/private
Este esconde las claves para que otros no pueden ver.

Copia Claves por los Otra Computadores:
Las claves públicas de la computadora del maestro debe ser copiado a todos los estudiantes y todos los estudiantes deben tener acceso. Tambien, puede copiar los claves de profesor a todos computadores. Si es configurado corectamente, el profesor puede entra qual que computadora y accesser control de la clase.
sudo cp -rpT /etc/italc/keys /home/honduras/Escritorio
Esta copia los claves a la Escritorio. Copia este carpeta en la memoria USB.
En cada equipo copia la carpeta de la memoria en el escritorio y copia a la carpeta correcta utilizando el siguiente comando.
sudo cp -rpT /home/honduras/Desktop/keys /etc/italc/keys
Cuando honduras es el nombre de nuestro usuario administrador.
A continuación, cambie la propiedad de aceso usando las siguientes.
sudo chown -R honduras:shared /etc/italc/keys
sudo chown -R honduras:maestro /etc/italc/keys/private
Shared es un grupo que hemos creado para todos los usuarios. También se utiliza este grupo para conceder acceso de lectura a las páginas estáticas de Wikipedia en el disco duro.
Cambie la propriadades del los carpetas para dar access o correctamente utizando la siguiente:
sudo chmod -R o-rwx /etc/italc/keys
sudo chmod -R g+rx /etc/italc/keys
Este cambar que otras no puede leer y cambar que los en el grupo si puede leer.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Trisquel 2.1 Linux para Internos

Objectivo: Creer systema operativa para los internos de various edades con programas educativa.

Distribución: Trisquel Edu 2.1
Conseguer aqui
Empecé a mirar Edubuntu como base de distribución, pero cambió a Trisquel cuando descubrí que el idioma nativo de apoyo y presenta los menús en un formato más familiar. Unos problemas con Ubuntu que no tiene este version son la necessita a installar paquetes de lengua manualamente y problemas cambiando el nombre del equipo con el GUI.

Instalar y Actualizar:
Installar con la lengua de español, despues actulizar 2 veses.
Todos los programas y los menús están en perfecto español con unas pocas excepciones menores.

Actualizar Italc:
Para actualizar Italc, necessita entrar Systema/Aministracion/Gestor de paquetes Synaptic. Abrir configuracion/repositorios y selecionar la distribucion "robur-backports". Click aceptar y recargar la lista de paquetes. Buscar la paquete iTalc y marcar iTalc-client para actualizar (iTalc-master si es computadora para maestro). Aplicar. Este instala version en ves de 1.0.7. Cuando termina, entrar repositorios otra ves y deselecionar la distribucion "robur-backports" duespues recargar.

Instalar Programas:
Installar algunos programas y juegos. Ver la listo abajo por todo las programas disponsable.

Installar Manuals y Setios del Programas:
Installar khelpcenter utilizando Synaptec
Falta algunos manuals. Utiliso Synaptec para buscar y installar manuals de Qcad y DrGeo.
Cambiar la lengua de Klavaro a espanol - click en "Definir" al derecha la lengua del teclado, click en Plantillas originales y selecionar qwerty_es. Click el buton seleccionar.
Cambiar la lengua de TuxType - entrar, click options/setup language, click espanol, regresar al menu principal y salir.

Nuevos Usarios:
creer los siguiente usarios
listo - usario sin privlage
supertio - usario del escritorio
maestra - usario del escritorio

Nuevos Grupos: creer los siguiente grupos
shared - incluye todos los usarios
maestro - incluye usarios honduras y root

Sacar del Menu:
Los siguientes programas que acaba de sacar en el menú principal del usuario de listo que no estarán disponibles.
Internet - Evolution, Dillo, KNet attach
Programacion - qt3 asistant
Juegos - blackjack, cuatro en raya, gnometris, nibbles, solitario ailse riot, tali
Hermamientas - italc master interface
Sistema - eliminar menu

Cambias del menu:
Mover la programa TuxPaint por la menu Graficos
Mover las programas Screem, El pequeno mago, Basic-256 y Kompozer por la menu Programacion
Mover la programa Klavaro por la menu Educacion

Limitar Accesso: para USB
Abrir systema/administracion/authorizaciones
Entrar Storage/"mount file systems from removable drives"
Editar authorizaciones implicitas
cambiar consola activa de "si" por "admin authentication"

Borar Info Privado Automaticamente:
Abrir firefox y entrar Editar / Preferencias / Privacidad
deselectionar los 3 butones de Historial
En cookies, cambiar "conservar hasta" por "cierre firefox"
Selectionar "siempre borar mis datos cuando cierre firefox"
click opciones y selectionar todos
click acceptar
deselectionar "Preguntarme antes de borrar datos privados"
Entrar preferencias / seguridad
deselecionar "recordar contrasenas para los sitios"

Cambias de ITalc:
Ver mi otra Blog para mas informacion desde la configuracion de italc.

Instalar Remastersys:
Instalar remastersys para copiar esta configuración a otra computadores.
Bajar la paquete de este sitio:
double clic en el archivo para instalar.
Cuando esta installada, puede sacar una copia de tu configuracion a installar en los siguente computadores y no necessita hacer todo esta trabajo otra ves. Necessita chemar la iso en una DVD porque es mas que 1GB.

Siguente son los programas instalados.





Procesador de Texto

Parese MS Word, parte de OpenOffice

Hoja de Calculo

Parese MS Excel, parte de OpenOffice


Parese MS Presentation, parte de OpenOffice

Baso de Datos
parte de OpenOffice


Programa de dibujo por oficina, parte de OpenOffice


Programa para diseñar hojas



Navigador del Internet



Programa para recordar palabras y usar el teclado

Dr. Geo

Programa para geometría

El Pequeño Mago

Programa a aprender programación

Gcompris admin

Solo para administrar Gcompris


Programa de tabla periódico


Programa para aprender matemáticas fracciones

Programa a aprender mechanografia

Km Plot

Programa para aprender álgebra avanzada con gráfico


Programa a practicar porcentaje


Programa para aprender las constelaciones de las estrellas. Solo en ìngles.


Programa a aprender teclado, pero solo ingles.


Programa a aprender programación con LOGO lengua


Programa de globo terraquio

Suite Gcompris

Juegos a a aprender la computadora, letras, números, animales, etc


Programa por niños a pintar

vwm-view your mind

Programa para graficos del sus piensas


Basic 256
Programa para programar en la lengua BASIC

KompozerPrograma a creer paginas del web, solo en ìngles

Programa a programar pajinas del Internet, html



Programa a ver photos


Programa por niños a pintar


Programa a creer imágenes profesional


Programa para dibujar y pintar


Programa para dibujar diagramas estructurado

GNU Paint

Programa a creer imágenes simple


Programa para diseño CAD profesional

Programa a ver imagen fractal


3D Chess

Juego de ajedrez en 3 dimensiones


Juego de ajedrez contra computadora o otra persona


Juego de estrategia molecular


Juego de estrategia y conquistar


Juegos para su cerebro

Juego de graficos


Juego estrategia clásica de Go


Juego de lógica, solo en ìngles


Juego de lógico


Juego de tilas


Juego de lógica

Papà Patata

Juego con papa y ropa


Juego de lógico con bolas coloreadas


Juego de lógico con robots

Same Gnome

Juego de lógico con bolas coloreadas

Solitario FreeCell

Juego de cartas difícil


Juego de matemática y lógica


Juego de matemática y lógica


Informacion de la systema

Friday, May 29, 2009

Open Source Medical Clinic software

I found the following lists to look through:

So far OpenMRS looks good, but still just a bit too raw, unless you get implementation help. Very active development with trial implementation in many parts of the world including one in Argentina. Software has broad and professional support. Check back in 6 months.

FreeMed also looks promising with multiple language support. It is available at: Site states,
"FreeMED is oldest and most sophisticated open source Practice Management & EMR (electronic medical record) product available. To date, reports over 81,000 total downloads. FreeMED is being successfully implemented in a number of clinical settings around the world including large government hospitals to small private practices."

XChart seems to be a dead project with limited to no movement and limited initial investment.

Initial assessment: There are at least a few seemingly good quality open source options worth evaluating in a more formal way.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Installing Puppy Linux 4.2 in Spanish - WRONG APPROACH

A Spanish Linux distribution on OLD laptops (P2 or 3 with 128 Mb Ram or less)

FAILED INSTALL: Spanish language localization files were incomplete or not available.

Goal: To convert donated old laptops into a machine that can be used by University students in Honduras.

Hardware used:
Thinkpad iSeries 1161-210
500 MHz, 96 Mb Ram

Base distribution: Puppy 2.4
I tried my favorite Spanish Language end user small distro, TinyMe 2008.0, but had problems with the video and couldn't get it to work well. When I put a Puppy disk I found that Puppy had no problem with the video, so I downloaded the latest version which has a lot more functionality than the one I was using. I noticed that it even had some Spanish support available so decided to give it a go. Perhaps I will change favorites!

Preparing the Hard drive: I found that by preparing the hard drive ahead of time, the Install went smoother with less messing around. I booted with SystemRescueCD and loaded GParted which is a great option for newbies because of the nice polished user interface. I kept a swap partition and wiped the first partition, so there was unused space in its stead. I could have also successsfully wiped the swap partition, but had no need to do so.

I then booted Puppy. Since there was no media for it to mount it did not do so. I opened GParted in Puppy and formatted the free space to ext3, the current Linux default. Now I have 5.3 GB in ext3 and 267 MB in linux swap (arguably too much), so we are ready to install.

Installing: Puppy 2.4
Installing Puppy is done from the menu after loading Puppy. I followed the great tutorial found here:
The only deviation from the above was that you do not need to manually comment out the "Other bootable partition" information in the menu.lst file. This is because of not having a mountable partition available to Puppy when it loaded. Much easier!

Networking: Network Wizard
I forgot to have the network pcmcia card in during the initial install, so I enter the Setup/Network Wizard. The D-ling PCMCIA card I have is not listed, so I choose the NE2000 compatible network module which works. Save configuration on exit.

Enter Setup/Puppy Control Panel and select the Country button. Choose keyboard la-latin1. For choose your local, set fetch at the bottom of the screen. This opens a wget session to pull locales packages. (What a nifty addition.) After the download, I was able to select among quite a few locales and chose es_ES from the selection menu. This forces a restart of the Xsession (after a friendly notice giving me a chance to close open apps). I had to then restart the puppy country tool to set the time zone. Upon reboot of the X session, I was a bit disapointed that nothing changed into Spanish. So lets try something else.

New Programs:
Open Setup/Puppy Package Manager (PET) and install the following packages.
TkHearts card game - nice game, low resources
flash-chess game - nice game, low resources

Download Language Files:
Puppy does not upgrade using the traditional apt package management programs so I cannot easily download typical localization files. There are no localization files available in the Puppy Package Manager, but puppy allows for installing user created PET files. A search for Spanish language localization files uncovered language localization for version 2.13. (login required)
The package retrieved was a .pup, which is an older Puppy linux package standard, so I needed to first install the "dotpuphandler" package found in the Puppy Package Manager. Since this package was created for an older version of Puppy I cross my fingers while installing the following .pup files. All you need to do is click on the files to install.
During the installation of the second, I was asked to choose a different localization, so I chose es_HN being that I am in Honduras. When the windows manager restarted, I found that some of the system was in Spanish, but most was still in English including Abiword and Gnumeric.

This is not good enough.

Additional Download Sites:
fyi, some major puppy download sites are located here:
and here:

Custom Spanish Distributions:
In searching for localization files, I discovered a full Spanish language version of Puppy 2.17 here: These derivative works are called "puplets". I downloaded and tested. Works great out of the box.

I more recently found information about BOBY, which is a Spanish language puplet for Puppy 4.2. Info here:
with Openoffice:
download here:
or here:
(with openoffice)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Installing TinyMe Linux in Spanish on OLD Laptops

A Spanish Linux distribution on OLD laptops (PII with 128 Mb Ram or less)

Goal: To convert donated old laptops into a machine that can be used by University students in Honduras.

Hardware used:
Dell Inspiron 7000 (the brick)
PII 366 MHz, 128 Mb Ram

Base distribution: TinyMe 2008.0
After trying several base distributions including DSL, Vector, Ubuntu lite, Fluxbuntu, Puppy and more, I settled on TinyMe as the distribution that works more intuitively for uninitiated computer users with a decent base of pre-installed apps. None of the versions that were fast and intuitive enough had Spanish language as a real option. Trisquel mini -2.1 (currently in beta) had wonderfull Spanish language support, but was juat a bit too slow on computers with less than 128 Mb RAM. It is based on Xubuntu and I have installed it on an old PII with 256 Mb RAM on which it is sufficiently zippy.

Preparing the Hard drive: Ranish on SystemRescueCD 1.1.5, then manual setup
Because of prior linux installations on the computer, I was not successful in writing the operating system to the hard disk at first. So I wiped the hard drive using Ranish partition manager on the SystemRescueCD.

Installing: TinyME 2008.0 CD
I installed using English and most defaults (as Spanish language support is not included anyway). I partitioned the CD with ext3 mounted to root (/). I saved 300 MB (more than necessary) back for a linux swap partition.

Updating: Caution here
In my first and failed attempts, I tried to update everything, then upgrade and update everything. I even went to terminal and used the following commands repeatedly until everything was up to date: sudo apt-get clean, apt-get autoclean, apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, apt-get dist-upgrade. Each time either the system hung after rebooting or was very glitchy. Thus I learned constraint.

Setup network configuration using PCLinux Control Center network setup utility. No problems.

Language Packages:
Open Synaptic package manager & reload package information.
Search for locales-es and install. This also insalls locales & updates locales-en.
Install Aspell-es. This is the spell checker dictionary used by Abiword.

Changing Language:
Using the PCLinuxControl center(PCC)/Language & Region change language to Spanish.
In PCC/Hardware/keyboard layout change keyboard to Spanish.
Logout & back in for changes to take effect.

More Updates:
Audacious player was broken, so here is an attempt to fix it.
Using Symantec, update the audacious package, audacious-bin is marked for uninstallation
audacious-codes -- this is a metapackage and installes a bunch of individual packages and uninstalls some. This will also allow WMA and other playback.
Audacious was not working correctly, so I'll try another.
Install mpc & xfce4-mpc-plugin. This installs and updates various other packets.
MPC hung on a file download.... so moving on
Reinstall main Audacious package.....
Still does not work

Install a few games:
atomix - simple puzzle game
freciv - great game with code based on Civ2
Dosbox - My thinking... hey these old dos games shouldn't need too much memory
The following games for dosbox
sim farm (package dosbox-sim farm), constructor, ocean trader, warcraft
Atomix and freeciv work beautifully, but the dos box games do not work. Not interested enough to try and solve the problem so I will uninstall. Freeciv is even fully translated into Spanish!
At this point, I figure I have enough decent games to start with. Of course there is never enough from the perspective of a High School student, but the principle purpose of the laptop is for studies anyway.
Working games: FreeCiv, Atomix, Fifteen, Gweled.
After playing with the sound/music configuration (below) then rebooting, the Dosbox games are now working. They are working well. This adds Simfarm, Ocean Trader, Constructor and Warcraft as working games.
For fun, I am installing a few more dosbox games: Mario Teaches Typing, Stone Aage, Pinball World, Wild Science Arcade and Winter Challenge.

Installing some games and other applications produces an error that '/etc/xdg/menus/' does not exits. This has not caused any problems other than a required reboot for the menu to work correctly and I assume it is from TinyMe having a different menu system than expected.

Music Again: AlsaPlayer
Figuring music is pretty important to the high school & university students who will use this o computer. Tried installing cactus jukebox. I keep running into problems downloading the "libjack0" package, which was the same failed package when installing MPC. I installed the development version, but nothing changed.
I then tried installing Alsaplayer. This requires me to install the packages alsaplayer, libalsaplayer1 and for language support, alsaplayer-i10n.
Alsaplayer works great, but does not seem to have Spanish support or I cannot find the setting to change the language. I find out, however, that my sound card is not working.

Sound card:
Tried running alsaconf. This comes up with a sound card driver that does not work.
Upgrade alsaconf, for configuring sound cards. This also upgrades a few other packages.
remove Audacity and all its plugins. I verified that cactus jukebox was not installed.
After reboot everything worked like a charm! I now have the programs for sound: Alsaplayer, Asunder, Aumix

Spreadsheet: Gnumeric
There was no spreadsheet installed by default with TinyMe, so I installed Gnumeric.
I had to try a couple times for all the files to download, then I received an installation error about menu settings. However, when the computer came up, Gnumeric worked like a charm.

DVD Player: VLC
The computer comes with a dvd player, so why not try to install one of the smallest DVD player out there. Packages VLC and vlc-plugin-dvdnav -- come with various prerequisites.

Programs not installed:
Other small programs I would like to try on very old systems, but did not this time are:
Gnome Baker - a CD/DVD burning application
Geany - a lightweight development environment

Summary: Pleased
This old brick works pretty snappy. RAM usage is typically 40 to full with 0 to 50 MB swap used. CPU maxes out on Dosbox games, application starts and installs.
Used 1.04 GB Hard disk space.

Spanish language support is limited to individual applications, but I did not expect more. Fully updating & upgrading fixes this but breaks TinyMe. Perhaps this will be better in the future.

Applications installed is sufficient for a standard student.

Applications Installed:
Office - ePDFViewer, Gnumeric, Abiword
Audio/Video - Alsaplayer, Asunder, Aumix, VLC
Game - Atomix, Fifteen, Gweled, Freeciv, and Doxbox games ( Constructor, Ocean Trader, SimFarm, Warcraft, Mario Teaches Typing, Stone Aage, Pinball World, Wild Science Arcade and Winter Challenge)
For Graphics, settings, Network, accessories and System Tools categories, TinyMe already had great applications pre-loaded.

Instalar Wikepidia en Linux

Como a Instalar Wikipedia en Espanol
en una computadora de Linux que no es conectado al Internet
y tiene multi-usarios

Lo mejor opcion es aqui:  Kiwix

esta pajina es viejo... mas facil a utilizar Kiwix

Donde a Encontrar
Wikipedia statica bajar paginas statica de Wikipedia en Espanol. Ahora este archivo es 1.3 Gig y no inclue photos
Todos los optioneshttp://..../offline-wikipedia-for-linux.htmltodo los options. En este momento, solo Wikipedia statica es in Espanol, pero espere un ano....

Wikipedia en DVD: Una version selectada con imagenes. Parese Encarta. En este momento no hay version en Espanol.

Pocket Wikipedia:Similar de ariba, pero mas pequeno. Para PDA, Windows y Linux. Incluye programa para leer. En este momento no hay version en Espanol.

Como a Bajar Wikipedia Statica

  1. Click en la link "downloads" en la pagina
  2. Click en la link "es/"
  3. Click en la link "Wikipedia-es-html.tar.7z"
Como a Installar en Linux
Queen Terminalexplanacion
Creer nuevo grupo
Abre Systema/Administracion/Usarios y grupos. Este grupo es para dar acceso a todos los usarios a leer wikipedia.
  1. Desbloquear
  2. Gestionar grupos
  3. Anadar grupo
  4. Selecionar todos por Miembros

exemplo: nombre de nuevo groupo: "shared"
Creer una carpeta nuevasudo mkdir /home/wikisudo: hacer con super usuario
mkdir: crear carpeta
/home/wiki: de wiki en la carpeta home
dar aceso a carpetasudo chown honduras /home/wikichown: cambiar owner
copiar archivo
copiar archivo wikipedia-es-html.tar.7z entre la directorio /home/wiki
verificar archivosudo 7z t /home/wiki/wikipedia-es-html.tar.7zverificar que no hay errores en con el archivo
abre con 7zcd /home/wiki
sudo 7z x wikipedia-es-html.tar.7z
cambiar por este carpeta
extraer con programa 7z

la nueva archivo es wikipedia-es-html.tar.7z y es 20 Gig
abre con tarcd /home/wikisi no esta alli

sudo tar -xf wikipedia-es-html.tar
dar aceso a archivosudo chown -hR honduras:shared /home/wiki/eschown: cambiar owner
-hR: optiones... leer en manual : man chown
R es para encuye archivos y carpetas dentro
honduras: usario que puede cambiar carpeta
shared: grupo que puede leer carpeta
utilisa otra usario si necessita, pero solomente utilisa una usario del una administrador
/home/wiki: carpeta que cambia
revias accesso
Abre propiedades del carpeta, click en permisos. El grupo necessita accesso para "acceder a archivos"
borar archivos
borar archivos de wikipedia-es-html.tar y wikipedia-es-html.tar.7z
creer link a wikipedia
para cada usario, creer una link y la pagina inicia de Firefox a la archivo: /home/wiki/es/index.html